Tuesday, 8 December 2009

I hate lifts (sorry elevators)

I wish that someone would try and dabble inside my brain. A lot of people would say that there is not a lot in there, but I think that maybe some times I am shut to the outside world and that my brain is still active. I hope that is the case anyway.

Let's be honest, even some of Paul McKennas friends are fat, smoking, kangaroo eating weirdos.

Ok, the thing I want to mention is lifts. British lifts. Not elevators, they are lifts.

I hate lifts.

People ignore each other, and don't even talk. How crazy is that? It spans the multi-cultural expanse of life. Put a Budhist, an American, an African and a Chinese man (or woman) in a lift and they will still ignore each other for the period of acsending or descending. It's completely mad.

Well I've had enough. I would like to ban lifts. Take the stairs. Except for disabled people. But I expect they would probably ignore each other too.

Damn those lifts!

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